Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Muncho Lake

June 18, 2010


I must apologize, but I am honestly now mostly going off the pictures I took for my daily account of my trip. I cannot believe so much time has passed. I wish I would of written at the end of each day because it would really show what I felt at the moment. For this time around, this will have to do.

Playing Catch-Up

Muncho Lake. I honestly have no idea when I came across this lake. I am sure if I just took a second to google it up I could figure out what day I saw it on, but since I am at Barnes and Nobles, and do not want to pay for internet, I will let you do the dirty work. I am always taking breaks every couple of hours, either to just stretch out or let nature do its thing. (giggles). So I was in desperate need of a break and I pulled over this rest area, right next to Muncho Lake. This is the wondrous thing about the Alaska Highway, every freaking rest area is a sight to be seen.

Muncho Lake means “big lake” in the Kaska Language and this was a huge lake. At first I could only really see with trees being part of the view. They kind of blocked the lake off a bit, but they themselves added to the vista. I walked around for a few minutes before getting back on the road.

I drove probably just a few minutes when the road actually took me closer to the lake shore. Of course I pulled over again and this time I was able to get a closer look at the lake. It was enchanting. The jade color that was reflected across its surface was unique. I hadn’t seen a lake with that surface color so far. I stood there just looking at the greatness that was in front of me.

I could not believe how clearly the surrounding mountains and clouds were reflected across this lake. Looking back at the pictures now, I cannot believe I was standing there, in that majesty. The pictures I see now seem so unreal and made up, but they aren’t, they are Nature. Alaska took a break here too and enjoyed a bit of lake breeze and a view of the Muncho Lake ducks. I do have to say that there are jet boat rides provided for Muncho Lake and if I knew how much fun jet boat rides are, I would of gotten on one of them.

Since I missed to put Muncho Lake on my previous blogs I will dedicate this one, just to the lake. There are enough pictures to make it a long blog. :D Next time up...Jasper National Park of Canada.


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